The Whine Cellar...

The Whine Seller

name: Sun
age: having quarter-life crisis... go figure
gender: not a girl, not yet a woman...haha!
location: good ol' Singapore
hobbies: swimming, listening to music, bitching bout stuffs...

Whine buddies

Fang's Bakery
Le's Musing
Dunlin's advice
Ashlyn's Thoughts
Smiley Wanzi
Arty Henry

Whiney Hangouts

Les Dames
Sg Yahoo Auction
Mr Brown


Guess charm bracelet watch
Finish reading "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
NIKE bag
more $$, yes I'm $ minded ;-P
world peace
Good health for me n my family
Change J.O.B... haha!

Whine suppliers

Yahoo mail

Vintage Whines

June 2003 July 2003 August 2003 September 2003 October 2003 November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 February 2005 July 2005 September 2005 November 2005 January 2006 March 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 March 2007

Friday, March 10, 2006

Shit happens...

Yeah, shit flies... and it flew straight to me!!!!! CRAP! I was sabo-ed by this idiot at work and I was scolded by my big boss, in front of my other colleagues and my direct boss! If that's not enough, all these crap happened just 1 day before my appraisal was being submitted! Now my direct boss has to lower my apprasial rating which might cause me NOT to get any bonus, or worse, a paycut!

Grrrr... I'm so damn pissed now that I really feel like killing myself. I really did wanted to jump in front of a car while going home yesterday. Can't believe I'm so damn suay. I've been so suay since 2004; with my hospital stay, scar on my forehead and everything else that I really losing hope in life... Damn shit!

+ posted by Sunny @ 9:10 PM